Nostradamus’ dark predictions for 2024

Nostradamus’ dark predictions for 2024

Nostradamus, the most famous prophet in the world, predicted the developments that would come in all areas for next year and alarmed all the citizens of the world. 

In recent times, the predictions and forecasts of the future that famous and renowned psychics revealed many years ago began to spread among people around the world . Among many, there were theories about the arrival of the end of the world and the installation of groups of aliens. 

Thus, one of the prophets that people believe the most is Michael of Notre Dame, better known as “Nostradamus”, a doctor and astrologer from France who became famous for his credible predictions that revealed facts about the future of humanity.

He earned his recognition because some time ago certain events that he anticipated came to pass. Among them is the attack on the Twin Towers, the death of Elizabeth II and the rise of Hitler to power, with all that that meant. On this occasion, his predictions for the year 2024 were disseminated, which will begin in a few months, which have to do with changes at a global level. 

These are Nostradamus’s predictions for 2024

First of all, the specialist in these beliefs announced the arrival of a new supreme authority to the Catholic Church . Currently, Pope Francis turned 86 and presented various health problems that led him to be hospitalized, so a new representative could be installed. Although the reasons that would lead to his succession were not known, it emerged that he could come from Africa or Asia.

The second of the prophecies refers to the arrival of a Third World War, which according to him is described as “seven months of the Great War . ” Among the assumptions that were made from this prediction, it is said that it began with the invasion of Ukraine, the Hamas Attack on Israel and the conflict between China and Taiwan.  

In this sense, Nostradamus predicted that China could increase its growth, since it has long been proven that it had made great progress at an economic and military level , while its cultural influence is on par. For the astrologer, “the Middle Empire” is going to surpass the United States and become the first world power.

Another of the topics that he anticipated is climate change, which has increasing weight on the media agenda in the world. In this case these would be irreversible issues. Storms will be greater in number, temperatures will increase and heat waves will become more frequent and oppressive. Along the same lines, the expert predicted that a terrible earthquake could come, which will be strong, dangerous and will cause the death of thousands of individuals on planet Earth.

Regarding scientific advances, Nostradamus will disseminate news in the area of ​​transplantation and the manufacture of artificial organs that can be created with 3D or other materials compatible with the human body.
World leaders will have changes in their administrations, according to the astrologer. His prediction reveals that the end of an era is about to come for an important political figure, as he could be assassinated, in order to open the way to peace. While a new leader would be present in Europe.

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