Vitamins that help lower blood pressure

Vitamins that help lower blood pressure

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, blood pressure is measured according to the amount of blood pumped by the heart and the degree of resistance to blood flow through the blood vessels.

This pressure increases when there is greater blood flow and resistance increases, which causes the heart to make greater effort when pumping blood throughout the body. This condition in the system is called hypertension.

Once hypertension is diagnosed, strict treatment must be followed to improve quality of life, but, as it is considered one of the most common silent diseases, we took on the task of looking for some vitamins that will enrich your daily diet, helping to lower blood pressure. blood pressure.

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation, there are certain vitamins capable of helping blood pressure. Some of them are:

Vitamin B

In general, any vitamin from group B, such as B1, B2, B3 and more, helps keep neurons in perfect condition and, above all, helps regulate the maintenance of blood cells.

In addition to finding this vitamin in food supplements, it can also be consumed naturally in foods such as broccoli, chard, carrots and in proteins such as pork, tuna and chicken.

Vitamin C

For its part, vitamin C, being a natural diuretic, helps expel excess fluids from the body, which causes the walls of the blood vessels to relax so everything can flow normally.

Best of all, this vitamin is found in most seasonal citrus fruits and also in mango, papaya, watermelon, mango, strawberries, blackberries and many more.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E helps combat the aging of tissues and organs, in addition to keeping the immune system active, warding off a large number of diseases, and if that were not enough, it contributes to the formation of red blood cells.

It can be found in foods such as sunflower and corn oil, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, eggs, avocados, nuts and octopus.

Vitamin K

This vitamin was related to blood clotting, but now its relationship has been discovered with improvement in heart disease, cognitive problems and osteoarthritis.

The greatest source of vitamin K is the sun, and it can also be found in foods such as salmon, tuna, lentils, beans and mushrooms.

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